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Parent Engagement

As a Catholic learning community, St Clare's strives to be welcoming and connected, supporting the engagement of parents as partners in their children’s learning and wellbeing, and their involvement in the life and community of the school and parish.

Parent engagement is more than volunteering and helping out at the school. While we value any contribution you can make to school life, we understand that work and family commitments can make it difficult to be involved in an ongoing way. However, you can still engage in your child’s learning and wellbeing by supporting and/or attending:

  • Mass and prayer celebrations with the parish and school community
  • Our parish-based sacramental programs
  • Parent information nights and parent/teacher meetings
  • P&F Meetings and community events – see below
  • School assemblies
  • School open days and special occasions
  • ...and offering any other practical assistance either on-site or from home

You can also engage in your child’s learning and wellbeing simply by working with the school to create a stimulating and supportive environment for them both at school and home – working together collaboratively to connect both learning environments.

This is best achieved when parents and school work in partnership to encourage positive and respectful relationships, regular and meaningful communication about children’s progress and development, and a consistent positive attitude to learning, education and school life. Get to know your child’s teacher and other staff – this is great way to build this most important relationship!

Find more information and resources on parent engagement here
View our Parent-School Partnership Framework


If you are able, St Clare's welcomes any parents and carers who may be able to volunteer at the school. Parent and carer volunteers are a valued support base for our school, assisting staff to provide a range of high-quality opportunities to promote the learning, wellbeing and growth of students.

Some ways you can be involved may include:

  • Volunteering for the canteen roster
  • Supporting library assistants by repairing and covering books
  • Involvement in school working bees or maintenance
  • Assistance on excursions when required
  • Assistance at sport carnivals and gala days
  • Helping out at and attending P&F functions

Please note: Given our commitment to safeguarding children, volunteers will first need to organise a Working with Children Check (WWCC) process – information and forms can be found on the CEDoW website.

We're thrilled to have you consider volunteering at our school! Volunteering is a fantastic way to get involved in your child's education and make a positive impact on our school community. Follow the steps below to become a volunteer: 

Step 1: Complete the onboarding process 

To start, please access our onboarding site

You'll need to fill out a form with your details. Once you've completed the form, you'll receive an email confirmation. 

Step 2: Approval confirmation

After submitting your form, we'll review your application. You'll then receive an email letting you know if your application has been approved. If approved, you'll receive a special token. 

Step 3: Download the Quick Sign-In app

To make the sign-in process more convenient, we recommend downloading our Quick Sign-In app. The app is available for any device and allows you to save your details and token, making it easier to sign in when you arrive at the school. 

Download the Quick Sign-In app

Step 4: Sign in at the school 

When you arrive at the school, use the Quick Sign-In app to sign in. Simply scan your QR code, and you're all set! If you don't have the app, you can still sign in manually at the front office. 


The Parents & Friends (P&F) Association is the formal parent forum for St Clare's.

All parents and families are invited to become involved with the St Clare’s Parents and Friends Association (P&F), which aims to promote healthy and meaningful partnerships between parents, students, parish, school and the broader community. As part of our mission we provide assistance for the purchase resources for the school and students, as well as providing opportunities for community engagement among parents of the school and the parish.

St Clare's has a very active and committed Parents and Friends Association. The Association meets once a term in the school hall and all parents are most welcome. Please refer to the newsletter or school calendar for scheduled dates.


The P&F Executive Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting held each November.

Our P&F Executive members are as follows:

President Trent White
Vice President Ashleigh Cagney
Treasurer Birgit Hoffman
Secretary Maureen Donaghey
Assistant Secretary Joan Barnes



The sub-committees of the P&F Association are integral in the building and development of the St Clare’s school community. Parents and friends of St Clare’s Catholic Primary School are welcome to join these committees and support the work they do within our school. If you are interested in becoming a member of one of these committees, please contact the P&F Executive for more information.

Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee work to raise money for the school and also organise activities for the children, parents and their families which are fun community oriented events.

Care Committee
The Care Committee are the silent achievers of the P&F. They go about quietly supporting our local school community through the provision of meals to families in times of need, as well as organising the clothing pool.

Fair Committee
An event which has grown immensely from its beginning in 1994 is the St Clare's Catholic Primary School Annual School Fair, held in November. The parents work tirelessly to organise this great community event.


To contact our P&F Executive, please phone or email our school office